If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can call us at the following number:
+49(0) 7191 / 34 53 220
You also can get in contact with our service partners and dealer.
The key to company success lies in a company-wide corporate culture characterized by integrity, ethics and personal responsibility. The ethical demands on business activities and the workplace are becoming ever more demanding.
These standards include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Declaration of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy.
For our executives, this leads to the obligation to be an example and to credibly live out this aspiration for our employees. Executives ensure that employees are aware of and comply with behavioral guidelines.
Soehnle Industrial Solutions GmbH would like to ensure that all employees act in accordance with the internationally recognized human rights standards, as well as the essential labor and social standards.
Scope of application
This Code of Conduct applies to all locations and business units, and requires its suppliers to adhere to the principles set out in this Code as well.
Law and regulations
We adhere to the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which our company operates, and we expect the same from our suppliers.
This Code makes us responsible for communicating the related requirements to all employees and suppliers. Special vulnerable groups (e.g. children and adolescents) should be given special attention.
Transparency and consumer dialog
We recognize the right of our customers and consumers to have access to important product and process information needed for a qualified business relationship or purchase decision. Where possible, the relevant information
shall be specified and made publicly available.
Integrity and anti-corruption
We base our actions on universal ethical values and principles, in particular integrity, honesty, respect for human dignity, openness and non-discrimination of religion, worldview, gender or ethics. Our company rejects
bribery within the meaning of the relevant UN convention. It promotes transparency, integrity and responsible management and control in the company.
Child labor
We do not employ child labor. There are no employees who are under 15 years of age. Employees under 18 years of age may not be employed for hazardous activities and are excluded, under consideration of their training
requirements, from night work.
Remuneration, including wages, overtime and ancillary benefits, shall be at least equal to or greater than the amount specified in the applicable law and regulations. The remuneration granted for full employment must be
sufficient to meet the basic needs of the employee.
All employees shall be treated only in accordance with their abilities and qualifications in all employment decisions, including but not limited to recruitment and promotion, remuneration, ancillary pay, training, dismissal
and termination.
Soehnle Industrial Solutions GmbH is committed to environmental protection for today’s generation and those in the future. Laws enacted to protect the environment are respected. The company uses environmentally friendly
practices at all its operating sites, which it is continuously improving. It complies with the regulations and standards on environmental protection and takes a responsible approach to natural resources. Culpable, deliberate
misconduct will be punished under the applicable legal provisions. In order to be able to give evidence of such misconduct, we want to create a climate that is free from fear of negative consequences when reporting a tip.
Health and occupational safety
In order to avoid accidents and personal injury, we offer safe and healthy working conditions. We also support continuous development to improve the workplace.
We oblige our employees to respect operational and business secrets. Confidential information as well as confidential documents may not be passed on to third parties without authorization or made accessible in any other way.
This also applies after termination of the employment relationship.
SOEHNLE INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS GMBH is particularly committed to the abolition of all forms of child and forced labor, the principle of non-discrimination, the recognition of freedom of association, collective bargaining and social partnerships, fair pay and benefits in accordance with local market conditions, appropriate working hours and paid leave as well as proportionality in discipline and security measures.
We are committed to equality of opportunity in the labor market and abide by all applicable laws that prohibit discrimination on the grounds of age, race, skin color, sex, sexual orientation, identity or expression, place of origin, religion, or disability. This principle applies to all personnel decisions such as recruitment, hiring, training, job changes, promotions, remuneration, benefits, disciplinary measures and dismissals. In addition, sexual harassment and other harassment at the workplace are strictly prohibited.
We promote a diverse and inclusive work environment, in which all employees must act with respect and dignity.